Join us for
Dates for 2022 are listed below
Stories Con Leche is a breast/chest feeding support group for lactating parents that will incorporate education, sacred talking circle, body movement and art. This circle will be a safe space for parents to share their stories, to learn from one another, support each other and find joy in the amazing act of breast/chest feeding. Our intention is for you to leave each circle remembering the strength and wisdom that you already carry. This is an inclusive space for folks of all genders, race and ethnicity.
Pregnant people are welcome!
Se habla español.
Please email [email protected] with any questions

We will gather in circle to interact in creative practices such as:
🌝Grounding & Guided Meditation
🌝Lactation Centered Education i.e. Hand Expression, Breast/Chest Massage, Anatomy & Benefits of Breast/Chest Feeding
🌝Art Expression & Creation
🌝Sacred Talking Circle
🌝Peer to Peer Support
🌝Birth Story Telling & Listening
🌝Gentle Body Movement
🌝Embodying Joy & Liberation
Will you join us?
Zoom information will be given upon registration.

Brenda Montaño is a Xicana Indigena Califas native, mother, birth worker, lactation educator and media creator. She is Corazon Counseling's Administrative Assistant and solo force behind Zines with Sol, a platform that shines light on DIY media creations focused on liberation parenting, body autonomy, radical birth work and decolonial medicines. Her work is grounded in Xicanisma, environmentalism, Reproductive Justice and grassroots organizing. Outside of media making and birth work, Brenda loves spending time with her plantitas and ancestor trees, laughing with her community, and learning new, necessary, self sustaining skills in preparation for the (r)evolution. Follow her @zineswithsol

Pati Lomeli, IBCLC
While completing a Bachelor of Fine Arts at CSU Long Beach, I made ends meet by moonlighting as a newborn photographer in hospitals around Los Angeles. There I fell in love with the work of lactation consultants, who provide hands-on help to new mothers just getting to know their babies. So I took a job as a Management Assistant at the Cedars Sinai Medical Hospital Lactation Center, which put me in the middle of this exciting new world. There I gained experience with postpartum lactation care, and cemented my determination to pursue a career in this field. Right in the middle of my own pregnancy I started on my path to become an IBCLC. But I remain committed to art as a way of connecting with my community, and as a platform for activism in pursuit of equal access to the benefits of modern society. I believe that healthcare is a human right, and that healthcare includes health education—empowering individuals to make informed decisions for themselves and for their families. I’ve been in the lactation world for seven years now, and I’m currently working with the SDSU Research Foundation’s WIC program in San Diego. I am also teaching the lactation class for Nizhoni Midwifery Institute. Recently, I started a Spanish-language support group called Leche de Coco: ABC de Lactancia, with the goal of sharing information and busting myths about breastfeeding. In addition, I provide bilingual breast/chest feeding classes twice a month at FTV For The Village Doula Services by Sabia Wade who is continuing their mission to provide affordable and accessible lactation services to Latinx and BIPOC communities through these programs.
Follow @corazoncounseling for information on upcoming presenters or visit our website at